Using the principles and guidelines presented in Chapters two and three of the Cousins, et al textbook, you will create a presentation using Prezi or PowerPoint as the format. Prezi is a free presentation software that provides a unique way of developing presentations (think of it as a variation of PowerPoint or Keynote).For the content of the assignment, you will identify a potential, new product to be added to an existing concept (an established organization, whether commercial or non-commercial). Once selected, you will create a presentation to introduce the product and assert why the product will be successful within the concept.Areas of focus: [in no specific order of precedence]ProductTarget market / Who is the consumer?; Who will buy?Market researchIdea evaluationRelevant factors of guest [meal] experienceQuality Assurance / Control, management, & standardsCost / estimated, Break-even analysis, pricing [revenue, if appicable]Product promotionLike a standard essay, you should have an introduction and conclusion. You will also need to include an APA formatted reference page and in-text citations for cited content used to validate, corroborate, or provide a contrast to claims you make in the presentation.