Please respond to the following questions in ONE posting and NUMBER your responses:
Discussion: Select ONE or more of the ‘future of search’ innovations (listed below) and describe/discuss the innovation(s), and make references to the reading(s) and/or video/lecture in this unit in your initial posting. Cite the source with the author (or presenter), title of the article (or video), site, and year of publication.
· Further developments in “contextual” searching
· Further developments in Mobile search and App indexing
· Knowledge search
· Optimizing the user’s experience
· Machine learning
· Google Hummingbird and Semantic search
· The Semantic Web
· Social search and social network integration
· Natural language processing and artificial intelligence systems
· Internet of things
In addition as part of your initial posting, discuss what the innovation(s) may mean to at least ONE of the following groups:
· eCommerce and Businesses and their customers/consumers
· SEOs/Webmasters
· CTOs (Chief Technology Officers)
· IT Developers
· Marketers and Advertisers
Make reference to the reading(s) and/or video in your posting and cite the source with the author (or presenter), title of the article (or video), site, and year of publication.