3.3.3.Strategic Fit (SWOT) Analysis (3-6 pages): This section explains the link between Strategic Challenges (O&T) and the organizational competencies (S&W).o You need to provide a “SWOT summary table” (in the appendix) that recaps the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. SWOT Summary Table A. List of Opportunities (external)B. List of Threats (external) C. List of Strengths (internal) D. List of Weaknesses (internal)4o After strengths and weaknesses are matched with opportunities and threats, strategic directions emerge at their intersections. You need to identify 4-5 such strategic directions. The following matrix describes the 4 types of matching with related questions which may help you identify the strategic directions. Needless to say, not all internal and external factors may match well with each other. Therefore, you need to only focus on the meaningful, relevant, and significant fits.o You need to provide the “SWOT Matrix Table” (in the appendix) that recaps 4-5 strategic directions. SWOT Matrix Table: Strategic Directions A. List of Strengths (internal)B. List of Weaknesses (internal) 1 – S/O Match Strategic Recommendationsuf0a7 Obvious attractive optionsuf0a7 Likely to produce greatest ROI (Return OnInvestment)uf0a7 Likely to be quickest to implement andeasiest to justify immediate action- planning or feasibility study– Executive question: If we are not already looking at these areas and prioritizing them, then why not?2 – W/O Match Strategic Recommendationsuf0a7 Potentially attractive optionsuf0a7 Likely to produce good returns if capabilityand implementation are viableuf0a7 Potentially exciting and rewarding due tochange, challenge, surprise tactics, and benefits from achieving improvements– Executive questions: Whats actually stopping us from taking advantage of these opportunities? 3 – S/T Match Strategic Recommendationsuf0a7 Easy to defend and counteruf0a7 Only basic awareness, planning, andimplementation required to meet thesechallengesuf0a7 Investment in these issues is generallysafe and necessary– Executive question: Since we are strong here, can any of these threats be turned into opportunities?4 – W/T Match Strategic Recommendationsuf0a7 Potentially high riskuf0a7 Where risk is low , we must ignore theseissues and not be distracted by themuf0a7 Where risk is high we must assess capabilitygaps and plan to defend/avert in very specific controlled ways– Executive question: Where the risks of these threats are high, do we have specific improvement plans for related weaknesses to minimize the risk of those threats?